Looking for Deals

Some of the best deals can be found during the following times of year:

January-Christmas clearance

March-Winter clearance

April-Easter clearance

September-Summer clearance

November-Halloween clearance and Black Friday

When stores are needing to move seasonal merchandise to make room for new merchandise, they will offer deals to try to reduce the older stock on hand.   So, especially after a holiday, the following day or week will often have reduced prices.  My husband teases me that we are the only family he knows that celebrates most holidays one week later than everyone else.  I like to think we are just extending the celebrating!

Some of my favorite deals are after Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas.  These are holidays that include treats so you can really stock up on some fun food and snacks that can be used to celebrate the next upcoming holiday.  For example, Valentine’s Day treats can be purchased and used in Easter baskets or I like to save some of the red and white items for July 4th.  Easter treats can be used for May baskets, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day or end of school year treats.  Halloween treats can be used for making Thanksgiving desserts or put in Christmas stockings or gift bags.  Christmas treats can be used for Valentine’s celebration especially if they are packaged in red and the green items can be used for St. Patrick’s Day.  Then any of these can be used for birthday celebration throughout the year.

It works well to try to buy things that are generic when you are planning to use them for a different holiday.