Vegetable Dishes

Corn on the cob

  • Wash ear of corn
  • Wrap in plastic wrap
  • Cook in the microwave for 3 minutes (if cooking more than one ear at a time, you will need to add additional cooking time.  My rule of thumb is 1 ear = 3 mins.  2 ears = 5 mins. 3 ears = 6 mins.  4 ears = 7 mins. arranging them in a circle for more even cooking)

Frozen Vegetables

  • Pour the desired amount of frozen vegetables in a microwavable dish
  • Optional – add 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cover with plastic wrap
  • Cook in the microwave for 2 minutes, stir and then cook at one-minute intervals until the desired temperature is achieved, stirring after each minute

Canned Vegetables

  • Pour the vegetables into a microwavable dish
  • Optional – add 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cover with plastic wrap
  • Bake in the microwave for 1 minute